Best and Pro 4 finger claw setup in PUBG mobile | 5+ ideal setup | Ultimate four finger claw setting in PUBG

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 In this article,

  •  I gonna show you the best setup and setting for 4 finger claw in PUBG mobile. This is gonna be a Pro setup for players. For setting you can choose your own I am not going to show sensitivity setting adjust it by own comfort. 
  • Enable peak and fire, peak and scope at your own risk. It totally depends on you that you are comfortable with that setting or not.

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Ultimate four-finger claw setting in pubg

Ultimate 4 finger claw

This is a basic four finger setting for pubg mobile. You just started to play 4 finger claw you must try this setup first because it is really easy to handle and mostly beginners used this one or similar to this. You can use this one you will be a master of this setup with little hard work and more practice.

Now, this is a little bit difficult from the previous one. Four finger claw is always beneficial than three and 2 finger claw. Thus, using 4 fingers is going to increase your skills in pubg gameplay.

Four finger claw is always beneficial than three and 2 finger claw. Thus, using 4 fingers is going to increase your skills in pubg gameplay. This is the easiest and simplest four finger claw.

Six finger claw setup

 This is a little bit advance in terms of four finger claw. Four finger claw is always beneficial than three and 2 finger claw. Thus, using 4 fingers is going to increase your skills in pubg gameplay.

Now, this is a really advanced and Pro setup which is used by Pro player including soul mortal, my many friends who have KD of more than 7.00. This is really advanced if you become a master in this claw you gone make destruction in pubg. So start from basic and end with advanced.

This is a 4 finger claw set up for an absolute beginner from three-finger to four fingers.

Also read: pubg is going to be launched in India today.

My name is rishab singh. I am student of Computer Science and love web development and programming.

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