InstaUp APK Download - Free Instagram Followers and Likes

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InstaUp is a very powerful, easy to use application by using this application, you can increase your followers and like fast and boost your profile.

instaup increase follower and like

What is InstaUp?

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InstaUp is a fantastic application which can increase your Instagram followers and Likes for free. This app will help you to boost your Instagram profile. Now, Instagram is one of the famous and biggest social media where Individuals or Businesses can promote themselves.

Why InstaUp?

I recommend you to download and use InstaUp because it is easy to use and has a decent UI(User-Interface) than the other application. It gives you the real followers and Likes in a moment and your account will not be banned because you are not going to log in to this app with your real account.

In this article, I will tell you all the processes so your IG account would not be banned.

How to Download InstaUp?

Download InstaUp - Click Here

After downloading this application on your phone, Install this application. If you asked for any permission then allow. 

How to login into InstaUp?

Warning: never login in to this app with your original Instagram account?

This was a big mistake done by many peoples. They log in with their real Instagram account and the result is that their Instagram password was leaked. So never login in to this app with a real account and if you probably logged In already, Log Out from this application and change the password now.

To start with this app, first of all, go to the Instagram app and create a new Instagram account. Then login to this account in InstaUp by click on the new method shown inside the application.

How to get Follower?

Step 1: Log in to the InstaUp App with the Fake account?

Click on login with Instagram and choose a new method. After that enter your username and password there.

login to the InstaUp

Step 2: Click on the auto-follow?

after login, You will see an Auto-Follow button there,  click on the Auto-Follow button and you will see that automatically follows peoples from your fake account. You can check it out by login into your fake account on Instagram.

auto-follow instup

For each follow, you will get 2 coins, and similarly, for each like and comment, you will get 1 and 2 coins respectively.

After if you have enough coins then follow step 3.

Step 3: Go to Menu > Order Follower and Enter you Original Instagram Account ID in the search bar.

search bar instaup
In the search bar, enter your IG and search, you will see your profile photo there.

After that click on confirm and send.

Step 4: Choose followers to count and Confirm.

Select followers according to how many coins you have and click on confirm and send. Wait 10 min and you will see that followers on your real Instagram account will be increasing slowly.

So, I hope guys learn how to get free Instagram followers daily.

Thank You.

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My name is rishab singh. I am student of Computer Science and love web development and programming.


  1. Cannot like or comment.......your account have been activated you neet you log out for short meeeeee
    1. Don't use your real account, instead use a fake account.
    2. If not working then wait for a day and try again 😊
  2. 😋😋
  3. 😘😘
If you have any queries, let me know in the comment.