How to get free pubg outfits and gun skins in pubg

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how to get guns for free

How to get free weapon skins in PUBG Mobile in 2020.
  • In this article, we list some of the best methods to get free weapon skins in PUBG Mobile.
  • Gun skins are a great way to make your in-game character look more eye-catching compared to others.

PUBG Mobile has become famous not just for it's iconic gameplay, but also for it's colourful, fascinating and eyecatching skins. Although skins don't affect the gameplay, but it does make your character stand out among other players.

A player can get these skins either by purchasing directly from the shop section or by using UC. However, for the ones, who aren't willing to pay for the, there is another alternate ways. Some of them include completing achievements and getting free UC from various websites. In this article, we have discussed some of the best methods to get free weapon skins in PUBG Mobile. 

PUBG Mobile: Best ways to get free weapon skins

By completing achievements:

gun skin by competing achievements

Free weapon skins in PUBG Mobile by achievements
PUBG Mobile has various achievements that reward free weapon skins. A player can seek to complete these achievements to quickly grab a free weapon skin for themselves in the game. Some of these achievements are listed below:
  • shotgun Mastery IV: Win94 desert camo skin
  • pistol Mastery IV: P92 desert camo skin
  • Assault Mastery IV: M416 desert camo skin
  • SMG Mastery: UZI desert camo skin
  • Sniper Mastery IV: Kar98k desert camo skin
  • Melee Mastery IV: NoHunting-Pan skin
  • Evo Tactician V: Timworm Pattern M24 skin

In Royale Pass:

gun skins from royal pass
 The Elite Royale Pass is also a great way of getting premium weapon skins for free in PUBG Mobile.

The developers add many new and premium skins with every season of Royale Pass. But, if a player is unable to buy an Elite Plus Royale Pass for some reason, there are chances that one weapon skin come under the free Royale Pass rewards list. However, a gun skin is usually rewarded at level 60 in the Royale Pass.

By Crates:

gun skins from crates

Players can get premium gun skins and outfits by opening crates in pubg mobile.

Just you have to do goto crates section and select any crate from premium, classic ,pubg supply crate.
Anyone canopen these crates by doing so much.

By redeem:

gun skins from redeem

Pubg also given a extra features of redeeming outfits and cool gun skins by redeem them from redeem menu of shop section.

For redeeming any outfit and gun skin , you need silver fragment that you can earn by completing achievements and daily tasks.

My name is rishab singh. I am student of Computer Science and love web development and programming.

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