Five Tip to become a pro Pubg Player in 2021

how to become pro pubg player,recoil control pubg,headshot, gun attachment, pubg mobile tips, pro pubg tips, how to become professional pubg player

 As we know that pubg is now the most popular and addictive game ever. Pubg is one of the most leading games in many countries, especially in India. I had played pubg so often and also realized that pubg feels realistic games that I have played in my life. I am also playing pubg from Season 4 and I experienced so many things and tricks that can be important if you want to become a professional pubg player.

Here I'm going to share the top 5 tip and tricks must be considered to become a pro Pubg Player.

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How to become a pro pubg player


It is one of the major tricks that you must try and add to your gameplay if you want to become a professional pubg player. Try to aim at the head of the enemy while you are hunting down your enemy. It is not only to take down the enemy faster but also improves the statistics of your gameplay. When you go to your stats section there you can see the overall headshot percentage you had got while gameplay.

So, Aiming at the Head of your enemy is the first step that you must follow in your gaming.


When I had just started playing pubg in season 4. My main focus is on controlling the recoil of different guns. It is important that how much you can control your recoil in Pubg mobile. It also determines the result of long-distance fights in pubg mobile. If you can control your recoil of you your gun then you can take down your enemy easily in a long-distance flight.

Whether it is good to use different grips for your gun. These kinds of stuff help in reducing your recoil.

Don't skip the attachment 

I had seen that many players in Pubg Mobile skip the attachment for their guns. They thought that attachments do nothing in gameplay. But in the sense, it is most important for things that you must use for different kinds of stuff such as recoil control, opening scopes faster, and reloading guns faster than normal.

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therefore don't skip any attachment. Before using any attachment for your gun make sure what they do in your guns. for example, extended quickdraw makes reloading faster and also increases the number of ammo that can be equipped at a time.

Keep Movement

It is important to keep moving while your taking close combat fights on pubg mobile. I have seen many players don't do much movement while in close combat fights. It decreases the number of ammo that hitting to you. When you don't do any movement then most of the ammo of the enemy hits directly to you and you get knocked down quickly. So it's important to keep moving while in close combat fights.

Vests and Helmet

As you know that Vests and Helmets increase your hitpoints. in the sense they take more than the half of damage that you are going to take if vests and helmets are not present there. So keep in mind that wear a helmet and vest before taking any fight in Pubg Mobile.

Conclusion:  Try to aim at the head,  Controlling the recoil, Don't skip any attachment, Keep movement, wearing a vest and helmet, these are five things that you should keep in mind while playing pubg mobile. 

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My name is rishab singh. I am student of Computer Science and love web development and programming.

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