Pubg New state is the Successor of Pubg Mobile. It is officially announced by Pubg Studio and Krafton. This game would be the new multiplayer game and successor of PUBG Mobile. Pubg New State will be available for Android and iOS users. As you know that pubg was talking about the new sequel of the Pubg Mobile and Krafton had surprised in store dropped the Pubg: New Store preregistration trailer. In this article, we will tell 6 things about PUBG: New State that you should know.
PUBG: New State |
PUBG: New State pre-registration trailer
Pubg had officially released the trailer of Pubg: New state on Feb 25, 2021. According to Pubg: New State preregistration launched on Play store, This game will be size 0f 8×8. Some new vehicles will be introduced in Pubg New State. As time was passed we may get new guns to see in this game. This game includes new mechanics, maps, and more different entities that we had seen in Pubg Mobile. According to the game, this game will have a better graphics and gameplay experience than the original Pubg Mobile.
Pubg New State Pre-registration link
Play Store Link: Register Now
As we know this game has been officially released in the Play store from where you can pre-register for the game. This game is not yet live in the Apple App Store, but soon you can do it from the Apple App Store. As you know that PUBG Mobile is banned in India, therefore, Indian players are not able to pre-register for the Pubg: new state. Those who are outside of India pre-register this game from the above link.
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Is Pubg: New State Free?
A new and big successor of PUBG Mobile now going to release on the Play Store all over the world, except for India. A big question is that Is Pubg New State Free or Not?
The new state of the game is going to be free for all and will have a microtransaction inside the game. So it has been found out that it will be free to download. It is much like Pubg Mobile which is Free to Download and Play, but you may have to spend some money to get a royal elite pass or other cool stuff.
PUBG New State minimum requirement
Before any game comes, everyone keeps asking whether this game will run on my mobile or not. So let me tell you that you must have at least 2.5 GB available Ram to play this game and minimum android version 6.0.0 which is the marshmallow android version. It has not yet been told what the minimum processor should be for this game. Soon it will also be informed.
is PUBG New State available in India?
As you know that, currently Pubg Mobile is banned in India by the Indian Government, therefore Pubg New State will also be not available in India. Although China-based Tencent is not a publisher of this game, the Indian government had not provided any permission regarding the release of Pubg New State in India.
There is no hope that it would be released in India. Hope this game will be available for Indian players in the future.
Will PUBG: New State-run on my Phone?
Most of the mobile users in the world are android users, So this is a quite big question for many players that will this game run on their mobile. So let me tell you that, these two things must-have in your mobile to play PUBG New State on your mobile.
- Minimum of 2.5GB available ram, 4GB is recommended.
- Minimum Android version of 6.0.0 or Marshmallow android version.
- For iOS users, there is not any information released by Krafton or Pubg Mobile Corp.
So I hope you have got the answer to all your questions. If you have any other questions, then ask in the comments.
Thank You.
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