Tacaz Pubg ID, Wiki, Real Name, Age, KD, Device, and more

tacaz pubg id, pubg name, real name, age, kd, stats, tacaz country, tacaz married, marriage images, and more

tacaz biograbhy, pubg id, name

Tacaz, He is a professional pubg mobile player from Vietnam. He is a content creator as well as a popular Youtuber. In this article, I'm going to share all the information about tacaz, Pubg ID, controls, real name, K/d and more. let's get dive into it.

Tacaz Short Biography

Tacaz Shortbiography
Real Name Nguyễn Trọng Tưởng
Nickname Tacaz
Age 21 Years Old
Place of Birth Vietnam
Country Vietnam
Nationality Vietnames
Pubg ID TH - Tacaz
Pubg ID 5545342200
Clan Name Not in Clan
Crew Name Not in Crew
Controls 4 Finger claw & gyro
Device iPhone 8 plus
Social Media
Instagram @tacazgamer
YouTube Tacaz

Tacaz Pubg Biography

Tacaz's real name is Nguyễn Trọng Tưởng. He is a very popular YouTube player and has over 6M+ subscribers on YouTube. Tacaz is from Vietnam and he is 21 years old.

He has started his YouTube channel on 26 February 2019. He get very good number of views on YouTube and he is getting very good response from his fans. 

He plays Pubg Mobile on iPhone Plus 8. He uploaded his first Pubg Mobile video on 27 April 2018. 

Tacaz Pubg Id and Name

Tacaz's Pubg Mobile ID is 5545342200 and Pubg Mobile In-game name is Th - Tacaz.

Tacaz social media

Tacaz share's his and his wife images on Instagram as well as he share shorts videos of Pubg Mobile gameplay on the Facebook. He has 30k+ followers on Facebook and 10k+ followers on his instagram. both of the links are provided in the socail media section in the above table.

Tacaz less known Facts

  • Tacaz is an Vietnames players.
  • Tacaz recently married, He had shared his marriage images on Instagram
  • Tacaz accieved 6 Million followers on Youtube within 2 Years.
  • Tacaz started his youtube channel in 2019.
  • Tacaz uses iPhone 8 to play Pubg Mobile.
  • Tacaz earn approximately of $10 k monthly by YouTube (May be inaccurate).

Tacaz's most popular Youtube video

This is the most famous video of tacaz on YouTube. In this videos, he had killed 42 players in a single match. This video has 40 million plus views on youtube. The title of this video is King of M762.

Thanks You guys.

My name is rishab singh. I am student of B.sc Computer Science and love web development and programming.

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