Zendex a popular pubg player and In this article, I'll share Zendex PUBG ID, Biography, Age, face, real name, and more. Zendex pubg Wiki and Id.
Zendex Pubg ID
Zendex Pubg ID number is 5671247021and pubg name is Zendex六九.
Zendex Wiki
Zendex is a pupular pubg player from China and He has more than 1 Million+ subscribre on his youtube channel. Zendex has also 140 Million+ total views on YouTube channel.
Zendex YouTube Channel - Zendex69
Zendex plays pubg mobile on iPhone 11 Pro device.
Zendex Instagram ID - @Zendex_Sings
Zendex Pubg Facts
- Zendex is a chinese pubg player and youtuber.
- Zendex upload bot montage videos on Youtube.
- Zendex inspired from wacky jacky.
- He has also run a Discord server is Zendex.
- Zendex六九 meaning is Zendex69.
- He is from china.
Zendex Control
So today in this post, i have shared all the information about the zendex including his pubg id, instagram id, youtube channel, facts and more.