Pubg Lite 0 Recoil, High Damage: No recoil config file 0.23.0

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Pubg Lite 0 Recoil, High Damage Config file 0.23.0

Pubg Lite 0.23.0 recoil and high damage config file download from here. In this article, I am going to talk about the Pubg lite 0 recoil config file and also share the Pubg lite hack gun script for Pubg lite 0.23.0.

This script is one of the best scripts for Skin Hack in Pubg lite. This script is antiban and free to download from the link below. Pubg lite skin hack script and high damage 0.23.0 can provide all gun skins and Car skins for Free.

Why use Pubg lite 0 Recoil, High Damage Config File?

Pubg lite 0.23.0 is here, built with unreal engine 4, this model of Pubg mobile is compatible with even greater devices and optimized for devices with much less ram and specs without compromising the gameplay experience that has attracted thousands and thousands of enthusiasts around the arena.

Pubg lite capabilities a smaller map made for 40 players, which means a faster-paced recreation that still maintains the traditional Pubg fashion of play!

Pubg lite No recoil config file and the high damage config file is made for players who want less recoil so that they can kill their enemies.

Read More: Free Fire Headshot and Sensitivity Gfx Tool for Free Fire

Pubg lite 0 recoil config file

You must have seen that a person knocks you from 300 to 500 meters away, that too easily and you get into the thinking man, how can this happen.

Then friends such people use Pubg mobile lite Zero recoil config file, due to which If you guys get knocked then let's go to give you people too high damage 0 recoil or No Recoil file which will give good experience in your game and works in both 0.23.0 and newer version like 0.23.0.

Pubg Lite 0.23.0 High Damage config file

I'm a Pubg lite player and I have more than 10 KD because I use these config files and I can easily pay the people I have helped these files many times Ace and Conqueror when you download this file If you play your game then you will feel yourself as a pro player and easy to get CHICKEN DINNER.

Features of Pubg lite Skin Hack Script

  • WallHack
  • No Recoil 
  • Sit Scope 100%
  • Magic Bullet
  • Bullet Tracking Antena
  • All Types
  • Remove trees
  • Black Sky 
  • Speed Hack Car 
  • Car New Scope
  • New Lift Stand
  • Elastic Hands
  • Walkthrough walls 
  • Look 4x 6x 8x
  • Jump Between Houses Without Damage
  • Wall sweeping

Download the Pubg lite Skin Hack Script 0.23.0

To download the Skin hack script click on the download button. After downloading, follow the instruction. This VPN works as a host for your android device, and you don’t have to download any external host file.

  1. When you add your game and game guardian into the dual space then simply run the game and start game guardian.
  2. Hack Script file only works when you will enter the game, if you still reading the instructions then it will going to be best for you.
  3. Before you start any match please run the bypass using the hack script so you will not face any ban.
  4. That’s all, now enjoy the Pubg Lite 0 recoil, High damage config file hack script without any ban.


Thank you to download the Pubg lite 0.23.0 0 Recoil, High Damage, Gun Skin config file, and a hack script file. If you have any problem with this file, Let me know in the comment.

My name is rishab singh. I am student of Computer Science and love web development and programming.


  1. Pubg lite Gun Skin Script are not downloaded
  2. Please hack
  3. Password word sir
  4. Pubg lite Gun skin script are not downloaded
  5. Pubg lite gun skin link not working plz fix it
  6. Lag, problem
If you have any queries, let me know in the comment.