What is the Pubg Mobile Auto headshot Config file?
Pubg auto headshot config file download is active.sav file which is used to modify the original gaming config file. Pubg mobile & pubg lite auto headshot hack config file will help you to get more headshots in Pubg mobile & lite.
In this article, I will provide the pubg mobile lite & pubg auto headshot config file download link and also show you how to apply the Pubg auto headshot config file?
What is Active.sav?
PUBG Mobile & BGMI 2.1 Auto headshot Active.sav Config File Download.Active. sav file is the latest data file used to save your game settings and active.sav file is safe to use in pubg and pubg lite. So, don’t worry about it.
If you want to download and use the active.sav config file then follows the steps given below and read the article carefully.
Pubg Mobile Auto headshot config file
Download the Pubg Mobile auto headshot config file from the download link. After downloading the pubg lite file follow along with how to use the pubg mobile auto headshot hack config file.
Pubg mobile Auto headshot config file 2.1
How to use pubg auto headshot config file?
Follow the guide step-by-step to apply the auto headshot file pubg mobile and pubg mobile lite properly.
- First, download the pubg auto headshot config file for pubg and also pubg mobile lite.
- Then extract the downloaded zip file from the download link.
- then You will get active.sav file inside the zip file.
- Copy the file.
- Then paste the files in the given location to install the latest auto headshot config file.
Pubg mobile location:
So, in this article, I have provided the auto headshot config file for Pubg mobile and BGMI. And also shared How to apply the auto headshot config file download.